Individualized Instruction

How Pilates Helps Musicians Prevent and Treat Injury to Enhance Performance

While musicians often suffer from a flurry of various injuries, they don’t necessarily need a flurry of solutions. A regular Pilates program can come to the rescue for injury prevention and treatment while it enhances performance and overall well-being.

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A man playing violin

Why Professional Musicians Often Fall Prey to Injuries

It’s a tough life getting to Carnegie Hall, or pursuing a professional music career at any level. While musicians may not be on the same category as, say, window washers or police officers when it comes to injury risk, they do face a number of occupational hazards. Those hazards can result in their own brand of pain and injury severe enough to impact their performance or even destroy their careers.

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Anatomy of the foot

What Growing Old Does to Your Feet

Your feet take a beating throughout your entire life, and the effects of that beating can really start to show once you get older. In addition to the years of wear, tear and constantly bearing your weight, feet experience the same aging process that’s going on the in rest of your body.

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Pressure on disk

The Curse of Creep: What It Does to Your Body and How to Combat It

The word “creep” already has a negative connotation in various settings, and the anatomical definition of creep can be just as ugly. Creep refers to the progressive deformation of bodily structures which occurs when the structures are under a constant load they were not designed to handle.

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Trapezius muscle trigger points

How Trigger Points Can Torture Your Body

If you have a painful knot or taut band in a particular muscle, you may be suffering from the all-too-common myofascial trigger point. Active trigger points are the consistently painful ones, while latent trigger points are those that only cause pain when you apply pressure to them. Both types can lead to more severe issues down the line, although you can take action to help halt their development or eliminate them.

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Drooping on/off switch

Men— Prolonged sitting is a lot worse than you think

Men, by now you know sitting is bad for you but did you know sitting for extended periods of time could lead to erectile dysfunction (ED)?

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Far infrared sauna induced heat and blood CIRCULATION in body

What an Infrared Sauna Can do for You

Chronic pain, muscle stiffness, numerous health conditions and even certain cancers may benefit from immersing yourself in a sauna. But not just any sauna will do. Opt for an infrared sauna which can help your body flourish and thrive. Even if you’re not necessarily suffering from a specific condition or pain, infrared sauna use can benefit your body by reducing stiffness and inflexibility when used in conjunction with a fitness program.

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Weak hip abductor muscles

Patellofemoral Syndrome: How Knee Pain May Have Hips to Blame

If you’re suffering from knee pain, you are certainly not alone. One of the most common ailments to plague active people is knee pain, specifically pain beneath the knee cap. Officially known as anterior knee pain or patellofemoral pain, the condition hits 2.5 million runners each year.1 The condition doesn’t limit itself to only the athletic types, either, as individuals of any background or lifestyle can be prone to the condition.

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Man falling on ice

What Walking on Ice Does to Your Body

You already know falling on ice can literally have a huge impact on the way your body feels and moves. But simply walking on ice can do the same. While you may avoid the breakage and bruising that comes with a fall, walking on ice can change your gait and leave you with aches and pains.

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Illustration of FAI

Femoroacetabular Impingement: Living with FAI

Femoroacetabular impingement, also known as FAI, is not a deadly disease, but it is a condition that may eventually lead to osteoarthritis or a full-blown hip failure. The condition occurs when the bones that make up your hip joint are not properly formed or aligned.

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